If you are completely new to the sport of Scuba Diving, we offer a very easy and simple way to dip your toe in the water. It’s called a Try Dive.
Use the red button in the top right-hand corner and we will be pleased to book you in.
Usually Try Dives are held on the last Wednesday of every other month. They are very popular and get booked up really fast.
On the evening of your Try Dive you will be asked to bring with you your usual swimming costume and an old T-Shirt that you don’t mind wearing into the pool. We will supply everything else you need. There is also some paperwork that we require but this can be sent to you via email.
Your Try Dive evening will start with a full safety briefing, when your instructor will run through the SCUBA equipment we will be using, the hand signals that are used and some safety information to keep everybody safe while underwater.
This is all held onsite at our club house in Swindon at our very own private, heated pool with CRB checked national recognised instructors.
A Try Dive is the ideal way to give this exciting sport a go. See if you like it and see if you wish to take your interest further.
As far as your personal fitness is concerned. It is helpful if you can swim, and you are happy putting your face in the water.
SCUBA Diving is a physical sport, and can we please be made aware if you do suffer from any heart, lung, circulatory, ear or other medical problems then you may not be able to dive. These may not stop you diving, but we do need to be aware of them before we start.
Book your Try Dive session at with us at the Swindon Sub-Aqua Club with one of our qualified BSAC Instructors.
For only £40, we will provide the pool, all Scuba kit and lots of fun!